America Route

America Route

The Route around America − starting and finishing point Los Angeles.

The route around America took a fair amount of planning, especially as I intended visiting all 48 states, (Hawaii and Alaska being excluded for obvious reasons). With the distance between the west coast and the east coast being approximately 3,000 miles (and likewise east to west of course) and north to south being around 2,000 miles, as the crow flies (and again vice-versa), a conservative estimate of 10,000 miles in total would normally be appropriate for a straight-forward circumnavigation of the continent, but once all of my detours had been taken into account, either for sight-seeing, or when visiting out of the way states, then that original figure was soon propelled to over 12,000!

The first crossing, from Los Angeles, California, to Miami, Florida, which carried me through fifteen states and took fifteen days to complete, saw the first 4,000 miles disappear into oblivion and even though I spent the next fourteen days officially on vacation with my children, we still managed to notch-up around 900 miles travelling in and around the ‘sunshine state’. The journey up the east coast to Maine saw me travelling through more states in one day than I had done in a week, simply because of their close proximity to each other, but in stark contrast to this, the journey back across to the west coast seemed never-ending, as each state I crossed into appeared to be larger than the last!